Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya tied the knot on December 4 at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. Their traditional Telugu wedding ceremony was attended by their close friends and family. While the first photos emerged soon after, the two have now shared previously unseen clicks from the big day.
In the first photo, Sobhita can be seen lovingly holding Naga Chaitanya’s face. The next few photos showed the two performing their wedding rituals. In another click, Sobhita can be seen playfully leaning back as Chaitanya tries to put the garland around her neck.
Sharing the photos, the couple captioned the post, “This is a sacred thread. This is essential for my long life. I tie this around your neck, O maiden having many auspicious attributes may you live happily for a hundred years.”
Check out the photos here: